Wilderness is an anchor to windward. Knowing it is there, we can also
know that we are still a rich nation, tending our resources as we should — not
a people in despair searching every last nook and cranny of our land for a
board of lumber, a barrel of oil, a blade of grass, or a tank of water.
Clinton P. Anderson
February 8th is my 69th birthday and
"I'm feeling fine." I love Lonesome Dove and Keith knew that when he sent me his birthday card.
Denise took me to our favorite place on earth -- Pinnacles National Park. We camped for a few days and hiked the High Peaks Trail (6 1/2 miles) to see the California Condors.
We saw many, including two Condors perched on a nearby rock. Then, one flew towards us. It was only ten feet above us and the "swoosh" from its wings stirred that innate "nature moment" within us, letting us know that we too belong.
This Condor in a few fleeting seconds reminds us that "Nature is amazing and her show is always free."
Here are some pictures from that day. The last, are from my birthday present, a blue tooth selfie stick which I love. And oh yes, the Pinnacles hat is a birthday present too, which fits well.
"I'm fine, turning 69."
Bob and Denise at the infamous Pinnacles sign |
The High Peaks Trail towards the end of the day after a 6 1/2 mile hike |
I love these rocks which I've climbed |
A California Condor about to land |
Two California Condors in their natural element |
The sparse rains will be a struggle for the wildflowers this year. These Shooting Stars display their courage |
Male California Condor luring a mate |
Mating by California Condors |
Reflecting on earlier days at Pinnacles |
Denise and Bob at the place where it all began -- Pinnacles National Monument, our 1st National Park Service assignment |
Looking down on the Balconies and the infamous, Machete Ridge which I climbed with Jim Langford |
My first selfie with my new blue tooth, showing off my Pinnacles Condor hat |
It was such an amazing trip back to the Pinnacles, gray hair and all |